The project aims to study the development strategy of the Land Border Office, which is structured around two main axes:
- axis 1: Improving flows and safety :
- axis 2: Improving the comfort of users at border posts
The assignment includes the development of :
- a strategy for the development of the office's activities (the office's missions and activities);
- an investment strategy (in terms of infrastructure, trade, bi-national investments, maintenance investments, etc.)
- an organisational strategy for the operation of the office in line with its mission and strategic objectives (organisation, skill requirements, financial management, etc.);
- a risk mitigation strategy, mainly security risks;
- a sustainable development strategy.
The development study covers 11 land border posts: 9 posts on the Algerian border and 2 posts on the Libyan border.
Our mission
The intervention of the team of experts was divided into a preliminary (start-up) phase and three operational phases:
- Preliminary phase, or start-up phase, corresponding to the phase of methodological framing and establishment of the intervention programme;
- Phase 1: Diagnosis of the current situation of the posts
- Phase 2: Development phase of the Office's development strategy
- Phase 3: Business plan for the development of the Office in the medium term (5 years)